


PLC Central Control Unit
Our company has integrated its independently developed smart water management service platform with the PLC central control unit of sewage treatment terminal equipment, achieving an intelligent upgrade of the sewage treatment terminal. By collecting customer sewage treatment data to form big data analysis, we calculate the best operational plans for our clients. This not only ensures that the discharged water consistently meets standards but also reduces the operational costs of sewage treatment. Additionally, it enables remote monitoring and alarms, enhancing the operational efficiency of sewage treatment.


地区分站 北京市  天津市  河北省  山西省  内蒙古  辽宁省  吉林省  上海市  江苏省  浙江省  安徽省  福建省  江西省  山东省  河南省  湖北省  湖南省  广东省  广西省  海南省  重庆市  四川省  贵州省  云南省  西藏  陕西省  甘肃省  青海省  宁夏  新疆  诸城